Tesla Adding Mobile Repair Units in Preparation for Model 3

July 5, 2017
In a letter to investors obtained by Inside EVs, Tesla stated it was expanding its mobile repair presence in order to handle the Model 3 rollout.

July 5, 2017—In a letter to investors obtained by Inside EVs, Tesla stated it was expanding its mobile repair presence in order to handle the Model 3 rollout.

In May, Tesla announced plans to add 100 retail, delivery and service locations by the end of 2017—a 30 percent increase in facilities.

“As part of our Model 3 launch preparations, we are significantly expanding our infrastructure to support Tesla owners by increasing the density and geographic footprint of our presence,” Tesla wrote in a Q1 earnings letter.

In addition, Tesla also planned on significantly upping its mobile repair presence by adding 100 mobile units in the second quarter alone. In the recent letter to investors, Tesla said a focus on mobile repairs would allow the company to be able to handle its expected quick growth. 

“Since more than 80 percent of our repairs are so minor that they can be done remotely, we are expanding our mobile repair service that allows Tesla to make vehicle repairs at an owner’s home or office," the company wrote.

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