AutoZone Senior Vice President Joins AACF Executive Committee

Jan. 30, 2025
The Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation looks to benefit from Jaycox's three decades of leadership experience.

The Automotive Aftermarket Charitable Foundation has appointed Ken Jaycox, Senior Vice President, Commercial at AutoZone and member of its Executive Committee, to its Board of Trustees. The foundation, which supports automotive aftermarket professionals and their families during challenging times, looks to benefit from Jaycox's three decades of leadership experience.
"I'm honored and excited to join the AACF Board of Trustees and join in the support of my fellow automotive aftermarket industry members and their families," said Jaycox.
Before his role at AutoZone, Jaycox served as senior vice president and chief commercial officer at United States Steel. His career includes leadership positions at major companies including Coca-Cola, Compass Group, and Sysco, where he specialized in commercial leadership, technology transformation, and e-commerce initiatives.
AACF Executive Director John Kairys welcomed the appointment, stating, "Ken's compassion, deep care for others, and commitment to making a difference align perfectly with our mission. His leadership will be instrumental as we continue to provide hope and help to those in need within our industry."
Jaycox holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Marketing from Saint Louis University.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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