Rivian Getting Interest From Automakers Over Joint Venture With Volkswagen

Jan. 29, 2025
Rivian Chief Software Officer Wassym Bensaid recently shared that the work being done alongside VW has prompted other automakers to reach out with interest. 

A recent joint venture between Rivian and Volkswagen has begun to catch the attention of other automakers, reports Reuters.

As of November, the two companies entered a joint venture to exchange advanced electrical infrastructure, and to integrate Rivian's software technology in future EVs from VW.

Many aspects of how Rivian builds EVs would change the landscape if adopted on a wider scale. Through cutting down on electronic control units and not having excessive wiring, the automaker has reduced vehicle weight while also making the manufacturing process easier.

Rivian Chief Software Officer Wassym Bensaid, who is co-CEO of the joint venture, recently shared that the work being done alongside VW has prompted other automakers to reach out with interest. 

Though Rivian is focused on collaborating with VW right now, the company has incorporated the possibility of working with other OEMs into its future plans.

“I'd say that many other OEMs are knocking on our door,” shared Bensaid. “Obviously other OEMs are talking to us and we're trying to figure out how to support that in the future.”

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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