New Tesla Cybertruck Owner Receives Car, Finds Oil Leak

Jan. 2, 2025
After the three-day-old truck was delivered to the owner’s house, it sat there for one night before he came outside and discovered oil leaking.

The new owner of a 2024 Tesla Cybertruck Cyberbeast encountered oil leaking from his vehicle after just one night of owning it, according to Auto Evolution.

After the three-day-old truck was delivered to the owner’s house, it sat there for one night before he came outside and discovered oil leaking from the back of the vehicle.

“There's oil all over the place from the back of the truck (maybe half a gallon per day),” the owner shared in a Tesla Cybertruck Facebook group, along with photos.

Though the Cyberbeast was sent back to the dealership that it came from, the owner was told it would take at least a month to repair it, if not longer. Tesla has declined to offer any refund or replacement, but has provided him with a loaner car.

“They won't give me my money back only after they fix it … and then they can ask their legal department for a buy back,” wrote the owner. “A nightmare.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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