Michigan Tech University Brings Electric Vehicle Training Directly to Technicians

Sept. 16, 2024
The school offers its mobile lab to anyone seeking training on EVs or hybrids, including businesses wanting targeted employee training.

Michigan Tech University’s mobile EV training lab is helping prepare technicians across the state, without them having to travel, reports WLUC.

According to the university’s website, the mobile lab is houses in an expandable, double-wide trailer, transported by a class 8 semi truck with a Detroit Diesel DD15 engine.

Within the lab is a powertrain test cell, configurable hybrid electric vehicle along with three other hybrid vehicles, a portable chassis dynamometer, a “smart” interactive microgrid, and more.

The school offers its mobile lab to anyone seeking out training on EVs or hybrids, including businesses wanting targeted employee training.

Most recently, the mobile lab trained the city of Marquette’s facilities and maintenance team as they prepare to work on the city’s growing fleet of EVs.

“This class goes over safety, proportions, dynamics, design, disabling and just things we need to know with having electric vehicles around,” told City motor pool supervisor Duane Suckow.

The class also went over potential pitfalls with EV performance, such as the performance of their batteries in colder weather.

“Does it fit into our lives?” pondered technician Nick Blankenheim. “I don’t decide on that, but I will be the one fixing the vehicles when they come in. I think it’s certainly good to know what our options are and what’s available.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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