Sweetie Boy Repair Opens 4th Location

March 9, 2021

This is the company celebrated the launch with a food drive to support a local emergency services organization.

March 9, 2021—Sweetie Boy Repair, an auto repair and towing company in Virginia, has opened a fourth location, WTVR reported. 

The newest shop opened on Saturday in Ashland, Va., and featured a food drive to support Moments of Hope Outreach and Ashland Christian Emergency Services.

“Just from talking to the community, and the amount of members that these ministries and programs extend their services to, to provide with meals, seemed like a no-brainer on what was most needed right now,” Josh Adams, Sweetie Boy Repair’s director of operations, told the station.

Sweetie Boy Repair specializes in towing, heavy duty mobile repair, and automotive repair. This is the company’s second location in Ashland. It also has two locations in Richmond.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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