Pep Boys Extends Scholarship Deadline

May 19, 2021
Pep Boys is giving away $100,000 in scholarships to celebrate the company's centennial. 

May 19, 2021—Pep Boys has extended its scholarship application deadline until June 4, 2021, according to a press release. 

This year’s program will include five $10,000 scholarships to be awarded to qualified students studying to become professional automotive technicians in major metro areas:  Houston, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Orlando, Florida.; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Puerto Rico. An additional ten $5,000 scholarships will be awarded to qualified students studying to become professional automotive technicians in other areas in the U.S. 

“There’s no better way to celebrate our centennial and demonstrate our commitment to the future than by supporting an impressive new generation of automotive technicians,” Pep Boys CEO Brian Kaner said in a statement.  “For 100 years, Pep Boys has helped talented, passionate people build rewarding careers in this vital industry, and we’re continuing to build on our legacy with $100,000 in new scholarships for 2021.” 

Winners will be notified on June 15, 2021. Click here to apply.  
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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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