Nevada The Worst State For Auto-Related Fraud

June 1, 2021
Massachusetts reported the lowest number of complaints, with 15 for every 1 million residents, followed by Kansas and Rhode Island.

May 29, 2021—A new report, based on complaints to the Federal Trade Commision found Nevada was the worst state for auto-related fraud in 2020, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported. 

The Tampa-based insurance price comparison website Clearsurance compiled the report, which analyzed the different ways auto-related scams are victimizing consumers. 

Delaware and Florida were the second and third worst states for fraud, the report said. Massachusetts reported the lowest number of complaints—15 per 1 million residents, followed by Kansas (73) and Rhode Island (76).

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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