AAA Expects Record Number of July 4th Travelers

July 1, 2021
This year's is the highest number of expected travelers that AAA has forecasted since it began reporting the statistic in 2000.

July 1, 2021—AAA anticipates there will be a record 43.6 million Fourth of July travelers in the U.S. this year, WSIL-TV reported. 

"Since AAA reporting the travel forecast for the summer holidays back in 2000 this will be the highest number of Americans traveling by car for the independence day holiday," Nick Chabarria, AAA spokesperson, said in a statement. "Everybody coming out of the pandemic wanting to travel again. About 91 percent of all travelers will be doing it by car."

That number is much higher over last year's travel volume of 32.5 million, for the same time period. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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