Toyota Outsells GM With Help of Chip Stockpile

July 8, 2021
In May, Reuters reported the company was stockpiling semiconductors chips and not seeing a major short-term impact from the ongoing shortage

July 8, 2021—Toyota Motor Corp. outsold General Motors in its second quarter U.S. sales, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The Japanese automaker reported sales of 688,813 vehicles in the U.S. from April through June, narrowly topping GM's 688,236 vehicles sold.

The last time GM wasn’t the bestselling automaker for a quarter was when Ford outsold them during the third quarter of 1998, CNBC reported

A global chip shortage that has significantly hampered vehicle production has been credited for the shakeup. In May, Reuters reported that Toyota was stockpiling semiconductors chips, which are critical for modern vehicles, and was not seeing any major short-term impact from the chip shortage.

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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