Shop Owner Offers $5K Technician Referral Reward

July 9, 2021
Half the reward will be provided on the technician's first day of work, and half will be given after a 90-day probationary period.

July 9, 2021—The owner of an Oregon repair shop is offering a $5000 reward for his next best hire, according to KTVZ.

Jeremy Johnson, owner of Integrity Auto Services in La Pine, Ore., will pay the reward to a person who can refer a certified candidate with a strong moral compass. 

"It's to be complete or whole, and by that, we mean somebody who can be of great service to the client and be very skilled at what they do," Johnson told the outlet.

If the referred candidate meets the position's core job requirements, half the reward will be provided on the technician's first day of work, with the other half awarded after a 90-day probationary period.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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