Use of Catalytic Converter Stickers Rising

Aug. 17, 2021
The Wichita Police Department is the latest organization trying a new initiative involving etched stickers.

Aug. 17, 2021—The use of catalytic converter stickers is rising as local police departments and state organizations try to quell catalytic converter theft. 

KWCH report found the Wichita Police Department is launching “Operation Cat Guard,” a partnership with local repair shops that will allow customers to receive a free catalytic converter sticker. On the sticker is an identification number that gets entered into a database and then can be tracked. The police department hopes to distribute 2,000 stickers. 

Wichita police said more than 760 converters have been stolen so far this year in the city. Wichita Police Chief Gordon Ramsay said that total is more than 200 beyond the number of catalytic converter thefts reported in 2020, according to the report, 

Ratchet+Wrench wrote about this new initiative last month, which AAA Colorado implemented across the state. It also wrote about whether shop owners in Colorado believe it’s working. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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