Small California MSO Adds New Location

Jan. 20, 2022

Rizzoli's Automotive, a family-owned auto repair company that first opened in 1976, has opened a third location. 

Jan. 20, 2022—Rizzoli's Automotive, a family-owned auto repair company that first opened in 1976, has opened a third location in Grover Beach, Cali. 

In addition to their newest location, the company operates at locations in San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria.

KSBY asked Kyle Rizzoli, CEO of Rizzoli's Automotive, how the business was able to expand during a pandemic that forced many businesses to close.

"It's been a challenge for sure, but we've really focused on trying to make ourselves better and also trying to keep ourselves safe through this," Rizzoli said. "So we've developed a lot of new systems and processes to help protect our employees and keep our customers safe as well."

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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