King's Quality Auto Opens New Space in Washington State

June 16, 2022

The shop is 3,500 square feet and houses five bays. 

June 16, 2022—Gary King of Washington state is celebrating the opening of a new space for his shop, King's Quality Auto.

According to the Snoqualmie Valley Record, King's new space is 3,500 square feet. Originally, King started his business out of the back of his Jeep Grand Cherokee almost two decades ago.

“Over the years, I moved from a van then to a small one-bay shop and now today — we’re here,” King said in the article. “This has been a dream for me for a while.”

King ran his mobile repair service until 2019, at which point he moved into a single-bay shop. Fast forward to June 11, 2022 and he was celebrating his brand new shop space in North Bend, Washington with five bays. 

King is known for his commitment to local community, and has exemplified this in many ways. One such example included giving a car to a woman who tragically lost her daughter to a car crash.

“I found doing it on my own, I really liked dealing with customers and I really like the gratitude and preparing their vehicles right,” he said. “I think I’ve become a better person out of it and a better businessman. It’s just helped me out all around. The bad became good.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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