Mich. Shop Partners with Local Businesses to Give Away Vehicle

Nov. 10, 2022

Downtown Garage participates annually in Wheels to Prosper, which is a nationwide program that helps give away vehicles to local community members in need.

Nov. 10, 2022—Downtown Garage in Milford, Michigan, has been participating in the Wheels to Prosper program for years, but teamwork is required to make it successful. 

According to The Spinal Column, Downtown Garage owner Karen Wielkopolan said her shop started with the program in 2014. Wheels to Prosper is a nationwide program that initiates vehicle giveaways to local community members in need. 

This year, Downtown Garage played a role in servicing a 2010 Dodge Caravan, which was presented to Mary Jane Scobie of Milford. Wielkopolan's technicians inspected the vehicle for mechanical repair needs, and Dave Ellis of Ellis Brothers Collision painted the vehicle and performed body work. Multiple local businesses made donations as well. These included: Milford Glass, Milford Oil Change, Parts Plus Auto of South Lyon, O’Reilly Auto Parts of Milford and LKQ of Michigan.

The Dodge Caravan was found by Father John Rocus of Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Brighton and was donated by Borek Jennings Funeral Home. Mary Jane Scobie was chosen as this year's recipient after nominations were submitted through the Downtown Garage website and reviewed by Wielkopolan and Pastor Paul Jenkinson of Oak Pointe Church in Milford. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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