Northern Tool + Equipment, Richard Petty Donate Tools to High School

Dec. 9, 2022

The donation from Petty and Northern Tool + Equipment's Tools for the Trades program will help hundreds of students at Randleman High School for years to come.

Dec. 9, 2022—Northern Tool + Equipment and Richard Petty announced a partnership to have the former bring professional-grade automotive repair tools to the King’s alma mater. 

Randleman High School received the donation on December 8 with the help of Lincoln Electric and Ingersoll Rand as part of Northern Tool + Equipment's Tools for the Trades program. This program provides tools to schools to ensure that learning the trades is available to students who wish to pursue them. 

"We started the Tools for the Trades program in 2021 to give instructors the proper tools to effectively teach the trades and ignite excitement and curiosity for the trades in students," Northern Tool + Equipment's CEO, Suresh Krishna said in a press release. "We work with men and women in the trades every day. We know there is a skilled labor shortage. This program can help address the labor shortage." 

Petty, Lincoln Electric and Northern Tool + Equipment's Tools for the Trades™ program is committed to a continuing donation tool that will help hundreds of students for years to come. 

"Most people know about my NASCAR career, but welding has been a passion of mine since a young age," said Petty. "Arming myself with a trade served me well in my post-racing days and is still an important part of the work we do at Petty's Garage. Through this partnership, I hope more students will find a passion for the trades." 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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