Bennett: From Repair Blues to Business Wins: Embrace the Growth Mindset

Aug. 8, 2024
In the fast-paced world of auto repair, daily challenges can either overwhelm us or present opportunities for growth. The difference lies in our mindset and attitude.

Picture this: It's Monday morning, and you've just entered your shop. On the schedule, you see a hybrid vehicle with an intermittent electrical issue, a customer complaint about a previous repair, and a stack of invoices waiting for your attention. Sound familiar? In the fast-paced world of auto repair, these daily challenges can either overwhelm us or present opportunities for growth. The difference lies in our mindset and attitude.


1. Understanding the Growth Mindset

Our industry is constantly changing with new models, new technology, new tooling, and new challenges. Staying ahead of the curve isn't just about keeping up with the latest diagnostic tools or mastering new vehicle technologies. A "growth mindset" is about embracing challenges, persisting through setbacks, and seeing effort as the path to mastery. This concept, introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck, can unlock unprecedented success for your business and your team.


The Power of Perspective

As an owner or leader, you're no stranger to challenges. From complex vehicle issues to managing customer expectations, your days are filled with problems to solve. How you approach these challenges can make all the difference—not just for you but for your team.

Those with a fixed mindset often believe circumstances are set in stone. They might think, "We can't be successful with electrical issues," or "You can't please difficult customers." This mindset can lead to avoiding challenges, giving up easily, and feeling threatened by the success of others. A fixed mindset can manifest in beliefs like "All millennials are lazy" or "Chevys are junk," limiting potential and hindering progress.

On the other hand, a growth mindset sees challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. It's the difference between saying, "We aren't equipped to work on EVs," and "We haven't learned how to work on electric vehicles yet." This subtle shift in language reflects a powerful change in attitude—one that can drive your business forward in remarkable ways.


Try This: Team Mindset Check

Conduct a quick team survey. Ask your staff to anonymously rate their agreement (1-5 scale) with statements like:

  • "I can always improve my skills with effort."
  • "Feedback or criticism will help me grow."
  • "Challenges are opportunities to get better."
  • "The success of my team inspires me."
  • "I believe I can learn to work on any type of vehicle if I commit to it."

Use the results to gauge your team's current mindset and areas for improvement. Discuss the findings in your next team meeting and brainstorm ways to foster a growth mindset culture.


2. Overcoming Industry-Specific Challenges

The auto repair industry faces challenges that can test even the most positive mindset. Let's look at how a growth mindset can help overcome some of these hurdles:


Rapidly Evolving Vehicle Technologies

Keeping up can feel overwhelming with the rise of ADAS systems, hybrid and electric vehicles, and increasingly complex onboard computers. However, those with a growth mindset see these changes as exciting opportunities to expand their skills and services while differentiating themselves as the "experts" in the marketplace.

Instead of saying, "These new technologies are too complicated, it's not worth our time," try, "We have an opportunity to become the 'go-to' experts." Invest in training for yourself and your staff. It might be challenging initially, but it's a chance to grow your business and serve your customers better.


Managing Customer Expectations in the Digital Age

One unhappy customer can seem like a huge setback in an era of online reviews and social media. However, with a growth mindset, even negative feedback becomes a valuable tool for improvement.

When you receive a critical review, resist the urge to become defensive. Instead, ask yourself, "What can we learn from this experience? How can we use this feedback to improve our service or prevent misunderstandings or miscommunication?" This approach helps you improve and impress customers with your responsiveness and commitment to excellence.


Attracting and Retaining Skilled Technicians

The need for more skilled technicians is a persistent challenge in our industry. Rather than lamenting the lack of talent, those with a growth mindset focus on developing talent.

Consider implementing apprenticeship programs or partnering with local technical schools. By investing in the next generation of technicians, you're not just solving a staffing problem – you're building a team that grows with your business.


3. Fostering a Growth Culture in Your Shop

As a leader, your mindset affects your entire team. By fostering a growth mindset culture in your shop, you can create an environment where innovation thrives, and employees are motivated to improve continuously.

Start by encouraging your team to take on new challenges. When a difficult repair comes in, resist the urge always to give it to your most experienced tech. Instead, use it as a learning opportunity for a less experienced team member, with guidance from a senior tech. Sharing the challenge builds skills across your team and demonstrates your belief in their ability to grow and improve.


Try This: "Growth Mindset" Language Shift

Challenge your team to consciously change their language for a week. Provide a list of growth mindset phrases to replace common fixed mindset statements. For example:

  • Instead of "I can't do this," use "I can't do this yet."
  • Replace "This isn't worth my time" with "This may take some time and effort."
  • Swap "we don't have the expertise to take on electrical issues" for "we have the opportunity to take on the challenge and learn more about electrical systems."

Discuss the impact of this language shift in your next team meeting. How did it affect their approach to challenges? Did it change their interactions with customers or colleagues?


4. Practical Tools for Mindset Shift

Embracing a growth mindset isn't just about positive thinking – it requires concrete actions and tools. Here are some practical ways to implement a growth mindset in your shop:


"Lessons Learned" Board

Create a visible board where team members can anonymously post lessons learned from mistakes or challenges. Use a simple template:

  • Challenge Faced:
  • What We Learned:
  • How We'll Improve:

Review these regularly in team meetings, focusing on applying these lessons to improve processes and prevent future issues.


Skill-Share Sessions

Implement weekly 15-minute skill-share sessions where team members take turns teaching each other something new. This could be a repair technique, a customer service tip, or a productivity hack. This spreads knowledge and reinforces the idea that everyone has something valuable to teach and learn.


Learning Goals Board

Create a visible board where team members can post their learning goals for the month or quarter. Use a simple format:

  • Name:
  • Learning Goal:
  • Steps to Achieve:
  • Target Date:

Check in regularly on progress, celebrate achievements, and proactively support the teams' or individual growth goals. This not only tracks growth but also encourages a culture of continuous learning.


5. Measuring Success Beyond the Bottom Line

While metrics like revenue and customer satisfaction are important, look for ways to measure growth. This could include tracking:

  • Number of new skills mastered by your team
  • Complexity of repairs your shop can handle
  • Diversity of vehicle types you service
  • Employee satisfaction and retention rates
  • Number of customer issues successfully resolved

By celebrating growth and improvement, not just results, you reinforce the value of a growth mindset. This can lead to increased motivation, job satisfaction, and, ultimately, better business outcomes for your entire team.

You might think, "I don't have time for all this mindset stuff. I've got cars to fix!" But consider this: How much time do you lose to repeated mistakes, employee turnover, or missed opportunities? A growth mindset isn't just a feel-good philosophy—it's a practical approach to running a more efficient, profitable shop. Remember, as a leader, check your mindset first and be willing to set the best example.

The auto repair industry is at a crossroads. With technology advancing at breakneck speed and higher customer expectations, the old way of doing things won't cut it anymore. But here's the good news: by cultivating a growth mindset in yourself and your team, you're not just preparing for the future—you're shaping it.

So, what will you do differently tomorrow? Will you see that challenging repair as a problem or an opportunity to grow? Will you view that demanding customer as a headache or a chance to improve your service to a broader audience? The choice is yours. Your mindset today will determine your shop's success tomorrow. It's time to shift attitudes and accelerate into a future of continuous growth and improvement. The road ahead is full of possibilities – are you ready to embrace them?

About the Author

Mike Bennett

Mike Bennett has more than three decades in the Independent Auto Repair industry. Mike has been an ASE Master Technician and is the owner of Mike’s KARS Inc. in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Fully immersed in the industry for his entire professional career as a master technician, shop foreman, general manager, and automotive shop owner, Mike has a unique and broad perspective on the shop owner experience. Mike is able to communicate with real-world experience and a “been there and done that” perspective. As an Alumni shop owner with the Automotive Training Institute, he continues to operate his shop with his wife Shelle. Mike is now a nationally certified executive trainer and he has spent the last 11 years as a full-time business coach with ATI as well as leading two of ATI’s premier shop owner 20 groups as well as the first-in-industry CEO/COO development program.

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