FCA US Invests $10.4M in Mopar Parts Distribution Center

Oct. 28, 2016

Oct. 28, 2016—Fiat Chrysler Automobile US has announced a $10.4 million investment in a new Mopar Parts Distribution Center (PDC) located in Romulus, Mich., in the Greater Detroit area.

The 500,000-square foot PDC is expected to house over 100 employees. The Romulus facility is the second planned Mopar PDC in the U.S. to be announced this year, with a facility in Winchester, Va. currently under construction. The Romulus site is tentatively scheduled to open in the third quarter of 2017.

“With the start of preliminary work on the Romulus PDC, along with the new facility under way in Virginia, FCA US will have invested a total of more than $22 million in these two new PDC projects,” said Pietro Gorlier, Head of Parts and Service (Mopar), FCA-Global.

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