AutoNation to Hold Talent Search

Jan. 9, 2017

Jan. 9, 2017— AutoNation announced that it's holding a one-day hiring event on Tuesday, it will take place in 15 cities from coast to coast.

Thousands of sales and service positions are available at all of the company's stores and service centers. The company is offering base pay plus bonus and commission pay plans, paid training, paid time off and flexible work schedules. All veterans and military reserves are welcome to apply.

Management from all stores in the participating markets will be at the hiring events in each city and will be extended offers on the spot.

All new hires will start on Jan. 23, 2017, and all newly hired sales associates will be enrolled in the company's recently launched, "Sales Ignition" course, a paid training experience where each new sales associate will learn, practice and master their selling skills.

To register for the event potential candidates are asked to register at

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