As Part of 'Evolution,' Monro Drops 'Muffler Brake' from Company Name

Aug. 22, 2017
At its annual shareholders meeting, what was formerly known as Monro Muffler Brake Inc. changed its corporate name to Monro Inc. The name change reflects the "evolution of Monro’s business model" to providing a full range of high-quality automotive services and repairs, as well as tires to a broad range of customers.

Aug. 22, 2017—At its annual shareholders meeting, what was formerly known as Monro Muffler Brake Inc. changed its corporate name to Monro Inc.

The name change reflects the "evolution of Monro’s business model" to providing a full range of high-quality automotive services and repairs, as well as tires to a broad range of customers.

The name change will apply to its corporate entity only and will not affect any of the company’s store brand names.

Monro is celebrating its 60th anniversary and crossed the $1 billion sales mark for the first time this year.

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