This Week in Leadership Tactics

July 9, 2021
This week's roundup discusses starting a business late in life, learning from parenting, and how to make your brain function better.

July 9, 2021—To better assist shop owners with their leadership styles, Ratchet+Wrench has compiled a short list of essential leadership material from some of its favorite sources. Here's a look at a few must-read articles from the past week.

How to Make Your Brain Work Better: Add More 'Soft Fascination' to Your DayInc. 

Your brain works better if you give it a chance to recharge in this specific way.

The Major Advantage of Founding a Company in Your 50s — Entrepreneur

This is how your decision-making ability, leadership skills and life experience position you for success as an "older" founder.

What Pandemic Parenting Can Teach Us About Leadership — Harvard Business Review

As millions of working parents ready for a return to office work, there are key lessons we can all take back with us about leading our teams and how we show up.

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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