Toyota Potentially Transitioning Most of its Vehicle Lineups to All-Hybrid

Aug. 20, 2024
Two executives shared that Toyota is highly likely to transition most, if not all, of its vehicles to hybrid.

Toyota is planning to transition most–and potentially all–of its vehicle lineups to hybrid-only, two executives reportedly shared with Reuters.

The info from the two anonymous sources was further affirmed by David Christ, head of sales and marketing for Toyota in North America, who told Reuters the company would be evaluating each of its lineups to determine the viability of each one going all-hybrid.

One such vehicle being considered is the 2026 model year RAV4–of which half of its sales are already hybrids.

Toyota would likely invest in producing plug-in hybrid vehicles with bigger batteries, and plans to add tiny engines to its platform for EVs to develop more efficient hybrids, as opposed to adding a battery to an internal combustion engine.

The first vehicle to feature this new method of building hybrids is likely to be the Corolla plug-in hybrid, one source shared. It would likely enter the Chinese market in 2026 before coming to the U.S. in 2027.

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The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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