Steer and AutoOps to Integrate Services Following Merger

Aug. 20, 2024
All current Steer customers will have access to AutoOps scheduling services at no extra cost.

Steer has announced a merger with AutoOps, bringing the two platforms’ services together, according to a recent press release.

As a result of Steer merging with AutoOps, all current Steer customers will have access to AutoOps scheduling services at no extra cost. These features include advanced settings, loaner car tracking, unfinished appointment follow-ups, and the ability to upsell services.

For current AutoOps users who are not Steer customers, some of Steer’s services will be offered for a bundled discount, including automatic text and email service reminders, review collection, and maintenance alerts.

“AutoOps has created the finest scheduling capabilities in the industry - by bringing our functionalities together, we’re providing our shared customers a best-in-class CRM and online scheduler all in one platform,” said Steer CEO Parker Swift. “In other words, we’re delivering on our promise to make their lives easier."

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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