Tekmetric Platform to Offer Payment Installments to Shop Customers

Aug. 15, 2024
Customers at participating shops will have the option to pay for repair services in monthly or biweekly payments.

Tekmetric clients will now have the option of offering customers to pay in installments following an extended partnership with Affirm, according to a recent press release.

For shops who sign up, customers at participating shops will have the option to pay for repair services in monthly or biweekly payments, with some plans being as low as 0% APR, according to the release.

Customers who are approved may select to pay through Affirm during checkout–whether paying in person or online. The cost they’re shown at checkout will remain the same, with no hidden or late fees being added.

Affirm, a platform offering payment services, has 292,000 retail partners, including Amazon, Royal Caribbean, Priceline, and American Airlines.

“Our partnership with Affirm allows our partner shops to improve customer satisfaction by offering flexible payment plans, and to drive higher repair order values and loyalty through versatile payment choices,” explained Tekmetric CEO and Founder Sunil Patel. “Together, we are pioneering a new era in the auto repair industry, delivering innovative solutions that can drive efficiency, increase profitability, and provide extraordinary customer experiences.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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