John Bean Showcases Products on Newly Updated Website

Aug. 7, 2018
Customers looking for in-depth information about the latest John Bean wheel service innovations can start their search on the newly updated John Bean website.

August 7, 2018—Customers looking for in-depth information about the latest John Bean wheel service innovations can start their search on the newly updated John Bean website.

“The new John Bean website was designed with our customers in mind, giving them a thorough look at the valuable features and benefits of the extensive John Bean line,” said William Bruno, vice president and general manager for John Bean. “It is a useful resource for shop managers as they evaluate equipment needs by outlining the advantages, specifications and unique features available on John Bean wheel balancers, tire changers, aligners, lifts and brake lathes.”

The updated website is an easy-to-navigate web portal that offers visitors a wide array of information, including product brochures and videos. New images of complete product categories are also included as well as the detailed features of each product. A news section keeps John Bean customers informed of the latest offerings, innovations and competitive advantages from John Bean.

“The new John Bean site provides our customers with information at their fingertips, a quick and easy way to see how performance-enhancing John Bean wheel service products can help improve productivity and increase the bottom line,” said Bruno.

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