Washington Passes Gas-Powered Vehicle Ban

April 16, 2021
The new law establishes the most aggressive state goal in the U.S. for moving to an all-electric future.

April 16, 2021—The state of Washington has passed a law establishing a 2030 target for the phasing out the sale of gas-powered vehicles. 

The new law establishes the most aggressive state goal in the U.S. for moving to an all-electric future and puts Washington five years ahead of California's 2035 target.

"Passage of this legislation takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of the electric vehicle transition by creating a clear timeline with the data, tools, and guidelines we need to help businesses, developers, governments, and consumers plan with confidence," Washington Sen. Marko Liias said in a statement. "Clean Cars 2030 is a critical step to meet urgent carbon reduction goals here in Washington and can serve as a model and impetus for other states to accelerate the switch to EVs."

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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