RepairSmith Recognized For $100K Donation

April 28, 2021
RepairSmith received 1,000 applications for its “No-Contact Car Repair” Services Program, and its related media campaign garnered millions of impressions.

April 28, 2021—RepairSmith, a mobile full-service auto repair and maintenance company, received first place in the Automotive category of the Ragan PR Daily Awards, according to a press release. 

Earlier this year, RepairSmith donated $100,000 in free car repairs to those affected by the pandemic—financially and to workers on the frontline.

RepairSmith generated internal content and pitched the initiative to national media, which led to the press release receiving 101 million impressions. The campaign itself received 45 earned media placements and 187 million earned media impressions.

As a result, RepairSmith received 1,000 applications for its “No-Contact Car Repair” Services Program, and its mechanics job page received hundreds of page views.

About the Author

Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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