Facepay Adds New Subscription Option

June 16, 2021
The newly added subscription option will let shop owners create a custom set of monthly payment options for customers.

June 16, 2021—Facepay has officially added a subscription option to its core platform.

The newly added subscription option will let shop owners create a custom set of monthly payment options for their customers and define which services are included in each membership level, according to a press release from Facepay. 

“Based on the research we’ve seen, if you offer your customers a subscription option, they are highly likely to buy it.  In general, 72 percent of consumers prefer usage-based pricing, and 53 percent indicate that if their preferred brand offered a customizable subscription option to pay for the services they need each month, they would buy it.,” Facepay founder Dr. Mark Hale said in a statement.   

The company will host an hour-long webinar on Thursday, June 24 to launch this release and feature Greg Buckley of Buckley's Auto Care, a shop owner who plans to use the platform with his customers. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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