Intensive Training Program Launches in Michigan

June 28, 2021
A pilot version of The Tire Project was a success, with all participants ultimately landing jobs.

June 28, 2021—A short-term intensive auto repair training program has been created in Michigan, reported. 

The eight-hour program, a partnership between Flint Innovative Solutions and tire repair shop Delta Tire, will provide hands-on training to individuals interested in a career in the automotive repair industry so they can be ready to apply for positions as a tire technician. Sessions will take place monthly through February 2022. 

A pilot version of The Tire Project took place last year and was a success with all of the participants getting jobs, said Kyle Krupa, owner and general manager of Delta Tire.

“As the owner of an automotive repair facility, I am always looking to hire qualified candidates. I am proud to participate in this training program,” he said. “This program has the opportunity to be a beacon of hope for people who are ready to change their lives.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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