Moran Family of Brands Announces 2021 Franchisees of the Year

Dec. 22, 2021

Three winners across the company's brands were honored for their excellence.

Dec. 22, 2021—Moran Family of Brands has announced its annual Franchisee of the Year winners for 2021, according to a press release. 

Franchisee of the Year Award winners were named in each of Moran’s franchise brands.

Al Martin was named Milex Franchisee of the Year for the second consecutive year.  He has operated a Multistate Transmission store in Naperville, Ill. for the past 26 years and co-branded the shop with Milex Complete Auto Care in 2015. 

George Kok was named winner in the transmission division of Mr. Transmission, Multistate Transmission and Dr. Nick’s Transmission.  Kok owns Mr. Transmission/Milex stores in Louisville, Kent. and Clarksville, Ind..

The winner in the Window Tint brands is Ken Tucker, owner of the Alta Mere store in Highlands Ranch, Colo. Tucker will celebrate 19 years as a franchisee in February of 2022. 

“We would like to congratulate each of our Franchisee of the Year winners,” Peter Baldine, president of Moran Family of Brands, said in a statement. “They are each longtime and respected franchisees in our system that exemplify Moran’s core values. They were deservedly recognized by their peers for their success and contributions to the Moran Family of Brands system.”

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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