Autoshop Answers Training Company Launches

Sept. 20, 2023
Todd Hayes of Adams Automotive starts company to share the blueprint behind North America's highest-grossing independent auto repair shop

Leaning into his more than three decades of experience in independent auto repair, Todd Hayes of Adams Automotive in Houston, Texas, announced the launch of his new training company Autoshop Answers.

Hayes, the COO of Adams Automotive, who has overseen the meteoric rise of the shop to become the highest-grossing independent auto repair shop in North America, will partner with founder Perry Adams to deploy this award-winning auto shop concept, which generated over $1 million in monthly revenue to the shop. 

The educational platform behind Auto Shop Answers was recognized with an Addy Award, highlighting its innovation and excellence in online education.

"Our goal is to share the blueprint for shop success with any shop interested in producing generational wealth." The company offers an in-depth course called 'Key to Key to Callbacks,' which demystifies the strategies that took Adams Automotive from a struggling shop to a recognized industry leader," Hayes said in a press release.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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