John Bean Announces Line of Video Balancers

Jan. 20, 2016

Jan. 20, 2016—John Bean announced on Tuesday the availability of its new line of Video Wheel Balancers.

The John Bean B200S Video Wheel Balancer offers data entry through the 2D SAPE and Smart Sonar. The B200S features a one-spin balance and the Virtual Plane Imaging (VPI) measuring system that offers precision and repeatability for accurate results.

The John Bean B400L Video Balancer provides the easyWeight pinpoint indicator to position weights on the wheel during balancing. The B400L is a belt-driven balancer, ensuring 200 RPM rotational speed and is always kept constant during measurement.

The John Bean B600 series (B600P and B600L) of wheel balancers offer all the features of the B200S and B400L balancers, the B600P and B600Ll balancers are belt-driven and have a touchscreen interface for easy operation. the B600P has an added feature, the Power Clamp.

To learn more, visit John Bean’s website.

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