TI Automotive Moves Global Corporate Offices

Jan. 4, 2016

Jan. 4, 2016—TI Automotive has moved into a new corporate office in Auburn Hills, Mich., the company recently announced.

The new 140,000-square-foot building features three floors of office space, dining facilities, and collaboration areas.

The new location allows TI Automotive to combine more than 300 of its executive, corporate and divisional personnel, which had been based in facilities in Auburn Hills and other locations. The company will continue to operate its technical center, located on Centre Road in Auburn Hill, with a team of engineering, development and testing personnel.

"The company has grown significantly during the past six years and this is much more than just a move to a new location," said Bill Kozyra, chairman, CEO and president, TI Automotive. "This is a significant step for TI Automotive that builds on our strong developments over the past years and will facilitate our progress towards the next successful chapter of our company's history."

The new corporate office is at 2020 Taylor Road in the Fieldstone Industrial Complex.

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