SERVICE EDU Plans Three Additional Training Courses

Aug. 3, 2016

Aug. 3, 2016—SERVICE EDU announced Tuesday that it will hold three additional two-day advanced automotive repair training courses for technicians during October and November in the Chicago; Charlotte, N.C.; and Los Angeles areas. 

Donny Seyfer, co-owner of Seyfer Automotive Inc., will provide the keynote address for the training events at the UTI campuses in Lisle, Ill., and Mooresville, N.C., on Oct. 7-8 and Oct. 21-22, respectively. His keynote address is titled “Defining the Connected Car.”

Sarah Burgess, driver and owner of BMI Racing who competes as the first female in the Pro Lite class of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, will provide the keynote address for the training event at the UTI campus in Rancho Cucamonga, Calif., on Nov. 18-19. Burgess’s topic, “Women in the Driver’s Seat,” will help automotive repair shop owners and technicians understand the importance of improving the way they communicate with women. 

Other event training topics includes accessory belt drive systems (ABDS), coolant systems, engine components, filtration, ignition system, thermal, timing belt systems and tools and equipment. The additional training comes from Gates, MAHLE and NGK Spark Plugs.

Visit the SERVICE-EDU website for more information or to register. 

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