Snap-on Offering Limited Time Discount for Software Upgrade 15.2

July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015—Through July 31, Snap-on will offer up to $250 off the list price for the new Software Upgrade 15.2, plus the new 15.4 upgrade for free.

With the Software Upgrade 15.2, technicians will have access to 93,270 new codes, tests, tips and data going back to 1998 for all major makes, plus new 2014 domestic and Asian model year coverage for Acura, Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Kia and Mitsubishi. New and enhanced optional European coverage is also available in the upgrade for 11 makes including Audi, BMW, Fiat, Jaguar, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Porsche, Smart Car, Volkswagen and Volvo.

This offer is for customers with the VERUS, VERDICT, SOLUS Ultra, SOLUS Pro, MODIS, MODIS Ultra, ETHOS and Ethos Plus platforms using software version 14.2 or older.

VERUS, VERDICT, SOLUS Ultra, SOLUS Pro, MODIS, MODIS Ultra, ETHOS and ETHOS Plus platforms using software version 14.2 or older.

To learn more about the new Software Upgrade 15.2, visit the Snap-on website

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