OTC Announces Technician Challenge National Tour

June 16, 2015

June 16, 2015—The OTC Technician Challenge is going on tour with dates in six states, showcasing the Encore with new Bravo 2.0 software.

Technicians nationwide will compete to win one of three Ultimate Diagnostics for Life packages. Technicians will be challenged with random vehicle diagnostic issues and have to identify the problem using the OTC Encore.

The technician with the fastest time at select events will receive a $150 cash card from OTC and any technician who pre-registers and attends an event will receive a free pair of OTC gloves. The three fastest times nationwide will win the Ultimate Diagnostics for Life package, which includes an OTC Encore kit with a lifetime hardware warranty and lifetime diagnostics subscriptions from OTC.

To register in the national Technician Challenge tour, visit the organization’s website

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