TIA Announces ITS Program

June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015—The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has announced the release of the new Basic Industrial Tire Service (ITS) Program. ITS is a 200-level training and certification program focused on pneumatic, solid resilient, press-on and polyurethane-filled tires used in industrial application.

The ITS program, like all TIA training programs, is comprised of different modules and covers the service procedures for different types of tire and rim assemblies.

"With the completion and release of the ITS Program, TIA has a complete slate of technician training resources for our members. Industrial tires pose specific risks for employees, so there is a definite need for a training program that identifies the hazards and outlines the step-by-step procedures for servicing these assemblies," said Kevin Rohlwing, TIA senior vice president of training.

Technicians who complete the final exam and skills demonstration for Basic ITS will receive a TIA certificate of completion.

The member price for the Basic ITS Kit is $295 ($600 non-member) and includes the instructor's guide, DVD and one student workbook. Additional student workbooks are $55 each ($85 non-member), and additional tests are $30 each ($60 non-member).

Basic ITS will also be available at TIA’s Online University by the end of 2015.

For information on ordering Basic ITS and other technician training and certification programs, email Christine Hoogenboom.

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