Hyundai Issues Recall Due to Air Bag Concerns

Oct. 19, 2016

Oct. 19, 2016—The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on Tuesday announced that Hyundai is set to recall more than 84,000 vehicles, due to concerns over wiring issues that could cause improper airbag deployment in the front passenger area. The recall specifically involves the Hyundai Genesis coupe.

Hyundai’s recall includes roughly 84,500 Genesis vehicles all told, manufactured between 2010 and 2016, all of which featured an OCS to determine if there is a person sitting in the front seat. According to the Associated Press, Hyundai acknowledged in government documents that an electrical connector for the passenger seat airbag sensor can become disconnected. That can cause the airbag to inflate when a child is in the seat, or deploy with too little force to protect an adult. Hyundai said it has no reports of injuries at this time.

More information on Hyundai recalls can be found by clicking here.

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