Virginia Shop Foreman Talks 4-Day Work Week

Jan. 2, 2024
Darrel Booth says he has current and future employee retention in mind with the move.

WFIR talk radio in Roanoke, Virginia, spoke with the foreman at Wayne's Imported Automotive about the implementation of a four-day work week for employees.

Darrel Booth told the radio station that business hasn't suffered, but his employees are seeing benefits since closing the business on Fridays.

"Our employees really have no time through the week to take care of personal stuff, so we decided, let's just try it," Booth said.

In September, the business went to four 10-hour work days. Booth said that his current employees enjoy the setup, but he's also thinking about how it can help recruit new team members down the road.

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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