Grow: Fighting the Technician Shortage

June 19, 2018
In June’s Grow podcast, Rissy Sutherland speaks with two members of NASTF’s Road to Great Technicians board, Jill Saunders and Donny Seyfer, whose objective is to recruit new technicians, train them and communicate their findings to the industry.
Is there truly a technician shortage? According to Grow host Rissy Sutherland, there are just as many if not more men or women entering tech schools. The issue is there aren’t enough people staying in the industry after tech school.

In June’s Grow podcast, Sutherland speaks with two members of NASTF’s Road to Great Technicians board, Jill Saunders and Donny Seyfer, whose objective is to recruit new technicians, train them and communicate their findings to the industry.  

Saunders and Seyfer detail the work they’re doing with NASTF, how they're working to solve the technician shortage and how shop owners around the country can get involved.

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