Auburn Career Center Enrollment Increases, Establishes Scholarship Fund

Aug. 21, 2018
Incoming students for high school programs is currently over 90 percent capacity, Auburn’s highest enrollment since the school opened in 1965.

August 21, 2018—Incoming students for high school programs is currently over 90 percent capacity, Auburn’s highest enrollment since the school opened in 1965, reported The News-Herald.

“Enrollment is also up 11 percent from last year and over 20 from two years ago,” said superintendent Brian Bontempo. “This (year) is the largest class in school history. "

Auburn offers 23 high school programs in addition to the new criminal justice program, which drew over 70 applicants for only 20 available seats, according to the report.

In addition to the new changes, Auburn has established a foundation to accept monetary donations to support students through scholarships and other services related to education.

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