Monro Acquires 5 Locations in Quad Cities

Feb. 22, 2023
Monro has acquired four QC Auto Service stores and one Muscatine Tire and Auto Center, located across the Quad Cities of Iowa and Illinois.

Feb. 22, 2023–Monro has announced the acquisition of five new locations across Illinois and Iowa, as reported by Our Quad Cities.

The acquisition includes QC Auto Service, which has four locations: two in Bettendorf, Iowa; one in Davenport, Iowa; and one in Moline, Illinois. The fifth location acquired was one Muscatine Tire and Auto Center in Muscatine, Iowa.

All five of the stores will now be “dual-branded,” brandishing the Car-X Tire & Auto brand alongside theirs. 30 new employees will also be joining Monro as a result of the acquisition.

Monro currently owns over 1,300 tire dealers and repair shops in 32 states across the country. Company President and CEO Mike Broderick believes that the addition of these stores “strengthens our current Car-X Tire and Auto presence in the Quad Cities and the surrounding area.”

Dan Elias was the owner and manager of the five locations that have been serving their communities for over 40 years.

“It wasn’t an easy decision for our family to sell our business, but it was the right time,” Elias said.

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