Cold Winter in Minn. Causes Vehicle Battery Problems

Jan. 23, 2023

Granite City Auto and Tire general manager Jesse Nelson says cold weather can cause vehicles not to start. 

Jan. 23, 2023—Cold outdoor temperatures can cause vehicle battery problems in places like Minnesota, according to KNSI Radio.

Jesse Nelson is the general manager at Granite City Auto and Tire in St. Cloud. He says the hotbed for battery problems occurs during extreme heat in the summer, but below-zero temperatures during the winter make for a worthy contender across the state. 

Nelson says these temperatures are often to blame when a driver can't get their vehicle started. Due to the variation in battery needs and locations, he says some are easier to replace than others. 

“Some of them are tucked in there where you have to take the wheel off, take the inner fender out to remove the battery," Nelson said to KNSI Radio. "A lot of newer vehicles also have a fuse box or support wires above them. Some vehicles are the standard, you know, a quick 10-minute replacement and some can take up to a couple of hours.”  

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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