Bosch Giving Track 2017 Donation Total Reaches $10,000

June 30, 2017
Bosch Giving Track contributed $1,000 to the Hendrick Family Foundation in June, in recognition of Jimmie Johnson’s victory at the AAA 400 Drive for Autism.

June 30, 2017—Bosch Giving Track contributed $1,000 to the Hendrick Family Foundation in June, in recognition of Jimmie Johnson’s victory at the AAA 400 Drive for Autism.

Taking the checkered flag in his Bosch-equipped No. 48 Chevrolet SS on June 4, Jimmie secured his third Giving Track contribution to date this season. The Hendrick Family Foundation encourages people to work together to transform the lives of those in need and have a meaningful impact on communities.

To date in the 2017 season, Bosch sponsored teams have earned $10,000 in contributions from the Giving Track program. Through Giving Track, Bosch contributes $1,000 to a team-specified charity each time one of its sponsored drivers scores a 2017 Monster Energy NASCARCup Series victory.

“Giving Track allows Bosch to provide support for the causes that are important to the NASCAR community with each victory by our sponsored teams,” said Tony Pauly, director of advertising and brand management for Robert Bosch LLC, Automotive Aftermarket NA. “Bosch is honored to contribute to these deserving organizations, including the Hendrick Family Foundation, so they may continue to drive their missions forward.”

Bosch involvement in motorsports dates back to the early 1900’s, and it has been equipping NASCAR teams with parts and technical advice since 1991. In 2012, when NASCAR made the move from carbureted engines to more efficient fuel injected engines, Bosch became the sport’s exclusive oxygen sensor supplier. Bosch is now the technical partner for gasoline components including oxygen sensors, fuel injectors and fuel pumps.

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