Lead Battery Shortage Sparked by COVID-19

July 12, 2021
Global demand for lead batteries has jumped this year as more drivers return to their cars following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Global demand for  lead batteries has jumped this year as more drivers return to their cars following the COVID-19 pandemic.  

According to a report from CNET Road Show, data shows global demand for lead is up nearly 6 percent from last year, "bringing (demand) basically back to pre-pandemic levels." However, the sudden spike in demand coupled with global shipping delays has caused prices for batteries to reach an all-time high. 

According to the Economic Times, the United States account for 13 percent of global demand, and overall consumption has been greatly increased as motorists return to their cars following a long layoff from use due to the pandemic only to find a dead battery. The report did not give a prediction as to when supply might catch back up with demand. 

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Ratchet+Wrench Staff Reporters

The Ratchet+Wrench staff reporters have a combined two-plus decades of journalism and mechanical repair experience.

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