How I Did It: Frank Leutz

Aug. 7, 2018
Beyond building a $1.6 million operation, Frank is the host of Wrench Nation, is an industry consultant and coach, and runs a successful YouTube channel. Leutz details his career journey, how he grew Desert Car Care Chandler and how other shop owners can implement creative marketing tactics to improve their own operations.
This month’s episode of the How I Did It Series features Frank Leutz, the owner of Desert Car Care Chandler, in Chandler, Ariz. Beyond building a $1.6 million operation, Frank is the host of Wrench Nation, is an industry consultant and coach, and runs a successful YouTube channel. He’s always committed to trying new marketing and operational methods to evolve his business, which is currently tracking year-over-year growth of 15 percent.

Leutz details his career journey, how he grew Desert Car Care Chandler and how other shop owners can implement creative marketing tactics to improve their own operations.

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