FutureTech Tuesday to be Held Oct. 16

Oct. 12, 2018
"FutureTech Tuesday" will encourage veterans of the US Armed Forces to consider civilian careers in the transportation industry.

October 12, 2018—On Oct.16, "FutureTech Tuesday" will encourage veterans of the US Armed Forces to consider civilian careers in the transportation industry. We invite technicians who have served or are serving in the military to share their “Service-to-Service” story. Feel free to share any or all of the Calls to Action (CTA) at the links below. Let’s encourage vets to join the industry, by sharing stories from those who already have.






Did you know? There are great opportunities for veterans to start their civilian careers in auto, diesel, marine and more as a transportation technician. Did you become a tech after serving your country? Use #FutureTechTuesday to share your story!

#FutureTechSuccess #techlife #ThankAVet #veterans #VetJobs #VetsAsTechs #handsonsuccess @techforcefoundation.org

Calling all vets! From fighter jets to diesel engines, what’s the coolest piece of equipment you’ve ever worked on? #FutureTechTuesday

#FutureTechSuccess #HandsOnSuccess #NewAmericanCareer #WhenTechsRockAmericaRolls #TechLife #ShopLife #STEM #CTE #MoreThanOne #ThankAVet #veteran #veterans #VetJobs #VetsAsTechs #VetTechs #MilTech #military #mechanic #technician #wrenching #diesel #power #work #shoptechnician #garagelife #automotive @techforcefoundation

Did you know? After serving many veterans go on to find success as a transportation technician. Are you a vet who found a tech career? Share your story, and help us show other vets that there are real opportunities in the civilian sector for technicians! #FutureTechTuesday.

#FutureTechSuccess #Veterans #ThankAVet #VetJobs #VetsAsTechs #HandsOnSuccess #TechLife #STEM @techforce-foundation


Hey #Vets, what’s the coolest piece of equipment you’ve ever worked on? Tweet with #FutureTechTuesday to let us know!
#FutureTechSuccess #shoplife #techlife #vetjobs #thankavet @techforcefound

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