Lear Partners with Global Accelerator Techstars

Jan. 14, 2019

Lear joins existing partners Ford, Honda, AAA, USAA, Nationwide, and PlanetM, as a corporate participant in Techstars Detroit, a local mentorship-driven accelerator program.

Jan. 14, 2019—Lear Corporation announced a partnership with Techstars, the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed. The partnership is part of Lear Innovation Ventures (LIV) Possibilities, led by John Absmeier, Lear's Chief Technology Officer.

Lear joins existing partners Ford, Honda, AAA, USAA, Nationwide, and PlanetM, as a corporate participant in Techstars Detroit, a local mentorship-driven accelerator program. Lear's Innovation Center at 119 State Street in Detroit, Mich., will become the network's new location for its Detroit-based accelerator program. Techstars Detroit is expanding its focus from strictly mobility technologies to looking for startups that associate with manufacturing, IoT, and more.

"Techstars Detroit is the first announced partnership for LIV Possibilities, and it offers so many exciting opportunities," said John Absmeier. "We are fully committed to accelerating the pace of innovation and collaboration around the autonomous, connected, electrified and shared mobility trends and believe the expansion of focus for Techstars fits well with our strategy. We have had great traction with the start-up community and look forward to working with Techstars to grow the ecosystem here in Detroit."  

"As the worldwide network that helps entrepreneurs succeed, Techstars is excited to welcome Lear to our Techstars Detroit roster of partners," said David Brown, founder of Techstars. "Lear is leaning into their commitment to innovation by participating in the Techstars Detroit accelerator program. Having Lear join us for our fifth year of Techstars Detroit will open many new doors for entrepreneurs and help them grow great businesses."

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