Rhode Island Shop Acquired by New Business

April 18, 2019
John Cote, owner of J.B. Cote Construction has purchased Tap Auto Service in Cumberland, R.I.

April 18, 2019—A Rhode Island auto repair shop will have a new owner. According to The Valley Breeze, John Cote, owner of J.B. Cote Construction has purchased Tap Auto Service in Cumberland, R.I.

The shop was previously run by former owner Don. St. Germain for 43 years, while the shop has been in business for 60 years in the same location, the publication reports. The business was originally looked at to allow the construction business to expand, but Cote decided to keep the auto shop services open after checking out the property, The Valley Breeze reports. 

The business will be managed by Cote's nephew, Miles Benoit, who studied to be a diesel mechanic. Additionally, St. Germain will stay during the transition period, according to The Valley Breeze

In the meantime, the shop has been revamped, and the business plans to continue making changes in the future, Cote told The Valley Breeze.

“We have a waiting room now, we have a new office, we have bathrooms for our customers,” Cote said to The Valley Breeze. “We’re going to redo the whole face and redo the whole garage.”

According to The Valley Breeze, the shop specializes in fleet services, repairs, inspections on gas and diesel cars, trucks, RVs, semis and trailers.

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