MAHLE PowerStroke Gasket Set Includes 91 Pieces Over Dealer

July 18, 2016

July 18, 2016—MAHLE Aftermarket announced Monday its cylinder MAHLE Original head gasket set for the Ford 6.0L PowerStroke engine is the most complete set available in the industry. 

The MAHLE Original gasket set for the Ford engine includes 193 pieces, which MAHLE says are engineered to match the exact OEM form, fit and function. MAHLE’s set has 91 more pieces than the dealer set and 41 more than the leading aftermarket competitor, including parts such as the lower valve cover and intake/exhaust manifold gaskets, o-rings, high pressure oil pump and valve stem seals, and more. The seals are color coded to match the OE parts for easy identification and replacement. The exhaust manifold and EGR cooler gaskets are made of multi-layered and embossed stainless steel, while competitor versions are made from graphite composite material. 

“The MAHLE Original head gasket set for this extremely popular engine includes all the gaskets and seals a technician would need to do the job right,” said Jon Douglas, general manager of MAHLE Aftermarket North America. “Surprisingly, some sets from other manufacturers don’t even include the head gaskets in their head gasket set. Plus, MAHLE Original gaskets are made to the same exacting standards as the OE gaskets that came in the engine when new.”

More information can be found on the MAHLE Aftermarket website.

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